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PAST Professional Development Workshops

Martin-Chang, S. (2019). How to get children writing. Professional Development hosted by New Frontiers School Board at Gault Institute, Valleyfield, Canada


Martin-Chang, S. (2018). The Wonder of fiction: Teacher Knowledge, print exposure, and student outcomes. Texas A & M Literacy Study Group (Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research), College Station, United States


Martin-Chang, S. (2018). Stranger than fiction: Using fiction to teach struggling adult learners. Literacy Unlimited Symposium, Montreal, Canada


Martin-Chang, S. (2018). Using storybooks in the classroom: Children learn what they are doing. Professional Development hosted by New Frontiers School Board at Gault Institute, Valleyfield, Canada


Martin-Chang, S. (2017). What’s in a syl/la/ble? Professional Development hosted by New Frontiers School Board at Gault Institute, Valleyfield, Canada


Martin-Chang, S. (2016). IPA to phonics: Making sense of sounds. Professional Development hosted by New Frontiers School Board at Gault Institute, Valleyfield, Canada

Conference Presentations - Talks (Peer Reviewed)


Conference Presentations

Ouellette, G., & Martin-Chang, S. (2019, July). Orthographic learning as reflected in spelling accuracy: How good is good enough? Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Toronto, Canada.


Martin-Chang, S. & Kozak, S (2019, July) Symposium (Chairs) entitled: Tell me something good: Concurrent and ongoing effects of positive literacy environments. Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Porto, Portugal.


Patel, S., Martin-Chang, S., & Segal., A. (2019, July). “I’ll read one page, you read the other”: Shared reading quality goes both ways. Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Toronto, Canada.


Rodrigues, M., Kozak, S., & Martin-Chang, S. (2019, July). Language of instruction in Grades 1 & 2 and print exposure in adulthood. Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Toronto, Canada.


Martin-Chang, S., Tremblay, B., & Ouellette G. (2019, July). Do bedtime stories build the foundation for later reading preferences, spelling skills, and vocabulary? Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Toronto, Canada.


Segal, A., & Martin-Chang, S. (2018, July). Parents’ reading-related knowledge and the writing feedback they provide in a joint writing activity. Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Brighton, UK.


Kozak, S., Martin-Chang, S., Rossi, M. (2018, May). Time flies when they're having fun: Print exposure and single-word reading speed. Development 2018. St. Catherines, Canada.


Martin-Chang, S. (2016, July) Symposium (Chair) entitled: I’d rather be reading: the importance of Print exposure across settings. Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Porto, Portugal.


Martin-Chang, S., & *Kozak, S., (2016, July). Read all about it! Teachers’ print exposure linked to planning for instruction. Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Porto, Portugal.


Segal, A., Howe, N., Martin-Chang, S., Persram, R. (June, 2016). Those are frosties because that’s what a bear looks like: the contributions of naturalistic teaching to the home literacy environment. The Jean Piaget Society 46th Annual Meeting, Chicago Illinois.


Martin-Chang, S., Ouellette, G., *McKinnon, S. (July, 2015). Why do you have to be so difficult? Differential effects of contextual support on reading accuracy and orthographic learning for words of varying difficulty. Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Big Island, Hawaii.


Martin-Chang, S. & *Segal, A. (2015, July) Symposium (Chair) entitled: The company you keep: Children’s emergent literacy interactions in solitary, sibling and adult-guided environments. Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Big Island, Hawaii.


Segal, A., Howe, N., Martin-Chang, S., Persram, R. (July, 2015). Parents’ beliefs and home learning practices differentially predict preschool children’s language and literacy growth. Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Big Island, Hawaii.


Martin-Chang, S., Ouellette, G., & *Bond, L. (July, 2014). What’s good for the goose might not be good for the gander: Differential effects of self-teaching on reading accuracy and spelling. Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Segal, A., & Martin-Chang, S. (July, 2014). Like parent like child… sort of. The relationships between parental reading-related knowledge, beliefs and child ability. Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Martin-Chang, S., & Segal, A. (May, 2014). Don’t stop believing: The relationship between parental reading beliefs and child reading skill. Development 2014. Ottawa, Canada.


Martin-Chang, S., Joshi, R.M., Washburn, E., Binks- Cantrell, E., & *Paor, A. (July, 2013). Teacher knowledge of basic language constructs in Canada, England, and the US. Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Hong Kong.


Martin-Chang, S. (2012, July) Symposium (Chair) entitled: Semantics and context: Meaning multiplied. Accepted for the Nineteenth annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Montreal, QC.


Martin-Chang, S. (2012, July). What happens when they read without us? Contextual reading without corrective feedback. Accepted for the Nineteenth annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Montreal, QC.

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