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PhD  Graduate

Thesis: Rodrigues, Monyka (2023) When size matters: Effect of context and set size on orthographic learning.


*Rodrigues, M. L., *Jing, E. S., & Martin-Chang, S. (submitted). When size matters: Effect of context and set size on orthographic learning. Submitted to Journal of Cognitive Psychology.


*Zare, M.,  *Kozak, S., *Rodrigues, M. L., & Martin-Chang, S. (2023). The roots of reading for pleasure: Recollections of reading and current habits. Literacy.

*Rodrigues, M. L., *Kozak, S. & Martin-Chang, S. (2022). Language of early reading instruction and print exposure over the lifetime. Reading Psychology.

*Tremblay, B., *Rodrigues, M. L., & Martin-Chang, S. (2020). From storybooks to novels: A retrospective approach linking print exposure in childhood to adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology.

Latest: Dr. Rodrigues is running a statistics consulting business, and has been hired by the Montreal School Board for a large scale efficacy project on the role of professional development.

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Master's  Graduate

Thesis: Jing, Eden (2022) The More You Read, The More You Gain.


*Rodrigues, M. L., *Jing, E. S., & Martin-Chang, S. (submitted). When size matters: Effect of context and set size on orthographic learning. Submitted to Journal of Cognitive Psychology.

Latest: Eden is working at the Toronto Metropolitan University.



PhD  Graduate

Thesis: Kozak, Stephanie (2021) Investigating Positive Classroom Literacy Environments: Teacher Knowledge, Print Exposure, and Planning for Instruction.


Martin-Chang, S., *Kozak, S., *Levesque, K., Calarco, N., & Mar, R.A. (2021). What’s your pleasure? Exploring the predictors of leisure reading for fiction and nonfiction. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Advanced online publication.


Martin-Chang, S., *Kozak, S., & *Rossi, M. (2020). Time to read Young Adult fiction: print exposure and linguistic correlates in adolescents. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 33,741-760.


*Kozak, S. & Martin-Chang, S. (2019). Preservice teacher knowledge, print exposure, and planning for instruction. Reading Research Quarterly, 54(3), 323-338. Advance online publication. https://doi.org10.10002/rrq.240


*Kozak, S., & Recchia, H. (2019). Reading and the development of social understanding: Implications for the language arts classroom. The Reading Teacher. 72(5), 560-577.

Latest: Dr. Kozak is launching a new research study, and is teaching Reading Methods at McGill University's Department of Education in January 2022. 

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PhD  Graduate

Thesis: Segal, Aviva (2018) Parents’ Reading-related Knowledge, Literacy Feedback, and Children’s Reading and Writing Performances Across Three Contexts.


*Segal, A., Martin-Chang, S., & *Patel, S. (in press). You Wrote the Right Letter for the Right Sound!” Parents Reading Related Knowledge and Feedback in Writing Contexts. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly.

*Segal, A., & Martin-Chang, S. (2019). “What does an O say when there’s no E at the end?” Parents’ reading-related knowledge and feedback during child-to-parent reading. Journal of Research in Reading, 42, 349-370. doi: 10.1111/1467-9817.12272.

*Segal, A., & Martin-Chang S. (2018). The apple doesn’t fall from the tree: Parents’ reading-related knowledge and children’s reading outcomes. Reading and Writing, 31, 1231-1247.


*Segal, A., Howe, N.,*Persram, R., Martin-Chang, S. & Ross, H., (2018). I’ll show you how to write my name: The contribution of naturalistic sibling teaching to the home literacy environment. Reading Research Quarterly, 53, 391-404. doi: 10.1002/rrq.199.

Latest: Dr. Segal just completed a post doc at McGill University and is teaching at the Department of Education during 2020-21.

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Master's Graduate

Thesis: Crowdis, Kelly (2021) Let's Talk About It: Does Discussion Impact Teacher Knowledge in a Professional Development Workshop?


Crowdis, K., & Martin-Chang, S. (in prep). Teacher knowledge matters, ergo teachers matter: the importance of professional development.

Latest: Kelly is a Pedagogical Consultant and member of the Early Intervention Team at Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board; she completed her Master’s in Education examining how to employ best-practice strategies in professional development for teachers.



Master's Graduate

Thesis: Zareashkezari, Manzarsadat (2020) Stories of Reading: Are Recollections of Reading Instruction Related to Current Print Exposure?


Zare, M., & Martin-Chang, S. (in prep). Nurturing readers: Memories of school and current reading habits.

Latest: Manzar is now studying Experimental Psychology at the University of Ottawa (School of Psychology).

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Master's Graduate

Thesis: Dwyer, Meredyth (2019) Educational Benefits from Immersion into Fiction and Nonfiction Literary Worlds.


Dwyer, M., & Martin-Chang, S. (in prep). Rewriting the Past. Learning from historical fiction.

Latest: Meredyth is an Observation Nursery Educator at Concordia University.

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Master's Graduate

Thesis: Patel, Shaneha (2018) The Quality of Storybook Reading Sessions Between Parents and Children.


*Segal, A., Martin-Chang, S., & *Patel, S. (in press). You Wrote the Right Letter for the Right Sound!” Parents Reading

Related Knowledge and Feedback in Writing Contexts. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly.

*Patel, S., *Segal., A., Martin-Chang, S. (2020). “I Love this story!” Examining Parent-Child Interactions During Storybook Reading. Early Education and Development.

Patel, S., Martin-Chang, S., & Segal., A. (2019, July). “I’ll read one page, you read the other”: Shared reading quality goes both ways. Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Toronto, Canada.

Latest: Shaneha is starting her PhD in School Psychology at the University of Quebec in Montreal.

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Master's Graduate

Thesis: Tremblay, Brittany (2018) Shared Storybook Reading in Childhood and Reading for Pleasure in Adolescence.


Tremblay, B. Rodrigues, M.L. & Martin-Chang (in press). From storybooks to novels: A retrospective approach linking print exposure in childhood to adolescence. Frontiers.

Tremblay, B., *Kozak, S., & Martin-Chang, S. (2017). Language arts instruction: Where does the time go? Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Halifax, Canada.

Latest: Brittany is also an ECEE graduate of Concordia and is currently a full-time resource teacher at a First Nations school.



Master's Graduate

Thesis: Rossi, Maya (2017) Reading Speed and Orthographic Quality: Exploring the Space Between Good and Poor. 


Martin-Chang, S., *Kozak, S. & *Rossi, M. (2019). Time to read: Print exposure and reading speed. Journal of Reading and Writing.

Rossi, M., Martin-Chang, S., & Ouellette, G. (2019). Exploring the space between good and poor spelling: Orthographic quality and reading speed. Scientific Study of Reading, 23, 192-20. doi: 10.1080/10888438.2018.1508213.

Ouellette, G., Martin-Chang. S., & *Rossi, M. (2017) Learning from Our mistakes: Improvements in spelling lead to gains in reading speed. Scientific Studies of Reading, 21,350-357.

Latest: Maya is pursuing a career in Data Science. She also specializes in building websites! Contact:

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Master's Graduate

Thesis: MacKinnon, Stephanie (2015) When the going gets tough, context gets going: Exception word reading via self-teaching.


Martin-Chang, S., Ouellette, G., *MacKinnon, S. (July, 2015). Why do you have to be so difficult? Differential effects of contextual support on reading accuracy and orthographic learning for words of varying difficulty. Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Big Island, Hawaii.

Latest: In addition to raising her own two children, Stephanie is a resource teacher at The Study.

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Master's Graduate

Thesis: Paor, April (2015) The Effects of a Lesson on Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge of Inferencing and Ability to Prepare Instructional Material.


*Paor, A., *Tansey, S., & Martin-Chang, S. (2013). It didn’t say that: Teachers' knowledge and ability to foster inference-making skills. First meeting of the International Workshop of Reading and Developmental Dyslexia. San Sebastian Spain.

Martin-Chang, S., Joshi, R.M., Washburn, E., Binks- Cantrell, E., & *Paor, A. (July, 2013). Teacher knowledge of basic language constructs in Canada, England, and the US. Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Hong Kong.

Latest: April is currently learning all about Home Schooling Pods with her own two children!

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Master's Graduate

Thesis: Bond, Linda (2014) The Effects of Contextual Reading and Feedback on Orthographic Development.


Martin-Chang, S., Ouellette, G, & *Bond, L. (2017) Differential effects of context and feedback on orthographic learning. How good is good enough? Scientific Studies of Reading, 21,17-31.

Martin-Chang, S., Ouellette, G., & *Bond, L. (July, 2014). Differential effects of self-teaching on reading accuracy and spelling. Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Latest: Linda is a Master teacher at Gault Institute in Valleyfield She also does some guest lecturing at Concordia University.

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Master's Graduate

Thesis: Tansey, Sabrina J. (2014) The Role of Inferencing Questions in Fostering Students' Reading Comprehension.


*Paor, A., *Tansey, S., & Martin-Chang, S. (2013). It didn’t say that: Teachers' knowledge and ability to foster inference-making skills. First meeting of the International Workshop of Reading and Developmental Dyslexia. San Sebastian Spain.

Latest: Sabrina is also an ECEE graduate of Concordia and is currently on maternity leave from teaching Grade 1 at Westmount Park.



Master's Graduate

Thesis: Ladd, Megan, (2011) Parents’ Reading-Related Knowledge and Children’s Reading Acquisition.


*Ladd, M., Martin-Chang, S., & *Levesque, K. (2011). Parent’s reading-related knowledge and children’s reading acquisition. Annals of Dyslexia, 61, 201-222. DOI: 10.1007/s11881-011-0053-1.

Latest: Megan was the first Master's student to join the lab. She went on to get her teaching certification from Queen's University.

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Master's Graduate

Thesis: Levesque, Kyle (2010) How Do Children Process Words in Stories? Differential Semantic and Perceptual Processing of Words Read in Context and Isolation.


Martin-Chang, S., & *Levesque, K. (2016) Making an informed choice about homeschooling. In M. Gaither (Eds.) Handbook of Home Education (pp. 121-135). New York, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Martin-Chang, S., & *Levesque, K. (2015). Reading words in and out of connected text: The impact of context on semantic and orthographic processing. Scientific Studies of Reading, 19, 392-408. doi:10.1080/10888438.2015.1059839 

Martin-Chang, S., & *Levesque, K. (2013). Taken out of context: Differential processing in contextual and isolated word reading. Journal of Research in Reading, 36, 330-349. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9817.2011.01506.x

*Ladd, M., Martin-Chang, S., & *Levesque, K. (2011). Parent’s reading related knowledge and children’s reading acquisition. Annals of Dyslexia, 61, 201-222. DOI: 10.1007/s11881-011-0053-1.

Latest: After being our resident stats superstar, Kyle went on to get his Ph.D. in Psychology at Dalhousie University. He continues to be our stats consultant. Contact him here if you would like a stats man for hire.

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